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i a n u a

i a n u a

FORMAT: dvd-r pal 5.1 surround

LENGHT: 21.44 minutes


eveline domnich & dmitry gelfand

COVER: marc beekhuis

PRODUCED BY: idrioema


YEAR: 2010



i a n u a

Latin word meaning door, passage.
Word that gives origin to the name
of the god Ianus;
the god of the beginnings,
material and immaterial.
A door from which to observe every possibility,
a door that conducts to the endless evolutions
of the ideas.
A world that always goes,
moving itself in circle...
Departing from itself,
to itself returns...
In this work, we can observe
the birth of the silence and
its continuous evolution until
the return in its native form,
almost as a dream,
the acceptance of its own consistence,
the respect of its own intrinsic integrity.


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